It’s a situation no one wants, but an increasing number of Americans are now facing: you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage payments and see no way out of this hole. Relax: foreclosure is not your only option. Many people faced with this difficult situation manage to get out through a process known as a short sale. In this article, we will cover a few of the most common reasons for making a short sale; and then discuss the reasons why, for many homeowners, a short sale is preferable to foreclosure.
So…what exactly is a short sale?
In a short sale, a financially distressed homeowner and his/her lender agree upon a mutually beneficial deal. The homeowner gives up possession of their house, while the lender agrees to accept a payment of less than is actually owed on the mortgage. Although losing your home is obviously never an ideal situation, there are a few benefits to short sales that should definitely be considered.’
Why would I make a short sale?
If you are falling behind on your mortgage payments, and if foreclosure is starting to look like a serious threat, then a short sale might be the best way to avoid this potentially messy situation. Here are the two most important reasons to consider making a short sale.
Want to learn more?
Here at Blue Marble Properties, we can help you make a quick short sale in order to avoid foreclosure! One of the key obstacles to short sales is finding a buyer who is willing to buy fast and to pay in cash. We make our business doing exactly that! Contact us today for more information on how we can work together. We look forward to hearing from you!